The short animated film “Tomorrow’s Leaves,” which premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival earlier this month, is planned to be released worldwide on July 23, the day of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony. The film, which was commissioned by the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage (OFCH) and created by Studio Ponoc’s Oscar-nominated Yoshiaki Nishimura, gives a new viewpoint on the Olympic principles of excellence, friendship, and respect.
The hand-drawn film by Studio Ponoc, a Japanese animation studio, will have a special limited theatre premiere in Tokyo, Japan, before going worldwide on July 23, 2021.
“Tomorrow’s Leaves” will be available for viewing around the world following its world premiere at the opening ceremony of the Annecy Festival 2021 in France, the world’s largest animated film festival.
One of the top entry points for migrants under the age of eighteen who enter the United States without proper documentation or adult companions is still South Texas.Although fewer crossings took place in the fiscal year 2024 than in previous years, the risks these children face remain concerning.
Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipina who has spent 14 years on death row in Indonesia, will be coming home but will stay behind bars for the immediate future after being transferred to the custody of Philippine authorities, officials said.
Many of the estimated 176,000 migrants living in Lebanon are African women who are working menial jobs.Many of them have been displaced since the start of the conflict and are facing uncertain futures.
Nicolas de Rivière,Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, briefs reporters after the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
This week marks 1,000 days of fighting in Ukraine.For millions of Ukrainians, including 32-year-old Oleh Reshetnyak and his loved ones in Kyiv, the mounting death toll, air raid sirens, and explosions have been a grim reality.
James Kariuki,Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations and President of the Security Council for the Month of November, chairs the Security Council meeting on the situation in Libya.
Over half a million people, many of them were refugees who initially fled the Syrian conflict, have fled Lebanon into Syria in the last two months.According to those returning to Idlib, Syria’s last opposition stronghold, they are fleeing to a location that is marginally safer than Lebanon,without homes, jobs or humanitarian aid waiting for them.
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