The short animated film “Tomorrow’s Leaves,” which premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival earlier this month, is planned to be released worldwide on July 23, the day of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony. The film, which was commissioned by the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage (OFCH) and created by Studio Ponoc’s Oscar-nominated Yoshiaki Nishimura, gives a new viewpoint on the Olympic principles of excellence, friendship, and respect.
The hand-drawn film by Studio Ponoc, a Japanese animation studio, will have a special limited theatre premiere in Tokyo, Japan, before going worldwide on July 23, 2021.
“Tomorrow’s Leaves” will be available for viewing around the world following its world premiere at the opening ceremony of the Annecy Festival 2021 in France, the world’s largest animated film festival.
In order to educate students lifetime lessons on survival and patriotism, Ukrainian schools have introduced a new subject called “Defense of Ukraine,” which includes first aid, drone operation, and weapons safety handling.
In West Africa, particularly in Ghana and Nigeria, there is a rise in informal academies known as “hustle kingdoms,” where young people are trained how to carry out online frauds.
Election officials in the Pacific Northwest states of Washington and Oregon, where ballot box arson has raised concerns, and in the hurricane-damaged parts of North Carolina state are facing additional challenges as voting gets underway in a tightly-contested U.S. presidential election.
Adedeji Ebo, Director and Deputy to the High Representative of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, briefs the UN Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.
The turn up to the 2024 United States presidential election has been full of twists and turns,but believe it or not,some of the most bizarre events in American election history have happened. America has seen everything, from imprisoned politicians to election chaos.
Marko Đurić, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, addresses the United Nations Security Council meeting that heard a report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
With little help from the international community, those in need are being fed by community-funded soup kitchens in war-torn Omdurman, the most populated city in Sudan. As one part of Sudan faces famine for the first time in seven years, the United States and other countries have urged the warring sides to grant humanitarian organizations unfettered access.
Since the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, religious parties in Bangladesh have active in national politics.VOA’s Sarah Zaman reports from the capital, Dhaka, on their impact.
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