Netizens believe that right to poke fun and even to offend others even religiously or even cyber stalking is an integral part of freedom of speech but some experts believe that freedom is not absolute and should not use as a licence to abuse.
We need a substantial amount to run the not for profit venture which emphasizes on news and Views about crime against humanity across the World
As Journalists we do agree with experts that digital publication is the best way for communication and spreading awareness.Journalism seeks a popular audience rather than academic one.Blend news with entertainment to reach the masses
Crime Against Humanity includes Crime Against Women,Domestic Violence,sex trafficking, Child Abuse even forceful repatriation of refugees,Rohingya massacre, bid to curb press freedom,China’s policies on religious minority Uyghur
We invite citizen journalists across the globe to contribute for can send articles,videos,pictures.We will publish these articles or upload videos/pictures on regular basis
Netizens should use social media for spreading awareness.In India netizens used these digital platforms for various noble causes such as during Kerala Flood, Me Too Movement,Crime Against Women, Domestic Violence and other issues
I also found that private detective agencies expose their field operators to shield themselves. have also found out that you are making false allegations against Mr. Shanthanu B by claiming he forged your company’s letter head and submitted false reports to the client
Grand old party of India Indian National Congress (INC) recently appointed transgender, former journalist and an activist Apsara Reddy as a national general secretary of it’s women’s wing
s and pushing back against President Donald Trump’s attacks on the media. India’s media outlets should learn from their dedication to defend freedomof press despite pressure from political fronts