Fifty years ago, the Soviet Union inaugurated the town of Pripyat, built to house workers of the Chernobyl power plant. One nuclear engineer
Gold prospectors in a village on the Naryn River in central Kyrgyzstan must wade through icy water in the middle of winter in the hope of finding a few shiny flakes of gold to help feed and clothe their families
Keisha Brown and Dennis Moore have been living on toxic wasteland since they were young. Though the government has designated funds to clean up their community, they say that hazardous waste has taken a large toll on their health…Military Veteran Burly Hampe, better known in his shop as “Dizzy,” has been running a tattoo parlor near a large US military base since 2012. He talks about his approach to putting ink to skin and gaining the respect of his customers
John and Laura Hunter live in southern California and over the past few years they’ve begun heading out into the desert around the U.S.-Mexico border and trying to make sure people making the trek to the U.S. from South and Central America stay alive during their passage
Coffee is one of the most popular hot beverages in the world and is drunk almost daily by about a third of the world’s population. At a coffee shop in Jakarta, Indonesia, the owners want to promote communication, understanding and tolerance by employing people who can’t hear. VOA’s Rendy Wicaksana reports~VOA NEWS
Special Focus on Cervical Cancer Specially in African Continent
According to the non-profit group, World’s Children, an estimated 21 million people are victims of human trafficking. Many of them are undocumented Hispanic women who are hard to track because they are often afraid to seek help authorities from authorities
An American artist is using a unique glass thread technique to create beautiful luminous glass vessels. Toots Zynsky helped invent a special machine that produces the threads which are a signature of her pieces. Her most recent art reflects her love of birds, especially those that are endangered
Nazi occupation and Soviet repression decimated the Izhorian people, a tiny ethnic minority from northwest Russia. Now just hundreds remain, but efforts are being made to revive their language and culture
South Africa has been experiencing a rise in the marriage age for women, with 32 being the median age for first timers, up from 30 five years ago. It’s part of a global trend in developed nations, where women’s educational attainment and income are rising along with the age of the average bride