Thirty-five-year old Hota Biclere is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) living with a debilitating spinal condition that left her with a curved back and limited movement when she was 8 years old. She fled conflict in DRC in 2012 and now lives in Kakuma – a camp in Kenya that hosts more than 185,000 refugees. Hota, a mother of two also runs a successful a tailoring business in Kakuma, employing other refugees and serves a client base that includes the local community and staff from the various humanitarian agencies working around the camp. Her clients are refugees, Kenyans and humanitarian workers around the camp.
With her work, Biclere is defying her disability and inspiring others.
Hota Biclere, Refugee from DRC said, “Sometimes I get tired, but I work hard because my children depend on me. Even with my disability, they need a parent to take care of them.”
December 3rd marks the International Day of Persons with Disability. This year, UNHCR and other UN agencies have committed to strive to empower people with disabilities and ensure inclusiveness and equality- UNHCR