According to Radio and Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), Professional electronic journalists should no Pay news sources who have a vested interest in a story. Accept gifts, favors, or compensation from those who might seek to influence coverage. Engage in activities that may compromise their integrity or independence. But some journalists of local and national media news channels behave like typical political activists. For them ruling party is doing no wrong. They don’t think that journalism is a mission and we are not here to merely make a living.
RTDNA guidelines says Professional electronic journalists should operate as trustees of the public, seek the truth, report it fairly and with integrity and independence, and stand accountable for their actions.
They should know that as a professional journalist we should resist those who would seek to buy or politically influence news content or who would seek to intimidate those who gather and disseminate the news.Resist any self-interest or peer pressure that might erode journalistic duty and service to the public.Recognize that sponsorship of the news will not be used in any way to determine, restrict, or manipulate content. Refuse to allow the interests of ownership or management to influence news judgment and content inappropriately.But unfortunately most of them are reluctant to learn anything from these guidelines.