The billionaire founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France last Saturday. Russia urges France not to turn the investigation as “political persecution,” and this arrest is reverberating around the world.Durov is under formal investigation over alleged illegal activities on Telegram.
Reports this year emphasizing San Marino’s ties to Russia have drawn attention to the landlocked independent republic that is surrounded by Italy. San Marino’s financial services industry has raised fears among EU regulators that illegal money from Russia may use it as a backdoor into the EU trading bloc, despite the country’s officials’ denials of any wrongdoing.
Apparently forcing asylum seekers onto a life raft and abandoning them at sea, Greek authorities have been caught on film. Human rights groups have accused Athens of these practices for a long time. Greece claims it has started a probe following the footage but denies conducting any pushbacks.
The European Union says it faced “unprecedented challenges” at its borders last year as a result of a substantial increase in the number of asylum seekers arriving on Europe’s southern shores and millions of Ukrainians escaping Russia’s invasion by fleeing to Europe.
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, war is at the doorstep of the European Union for the first time in decades.The 27-member bloc has so far responded to the conflict in a remarkably unifying manner.But how long will it last as war is continuing and that it will certainly cause an energy crisis and a recession in the EU?
After Russia invaded Ukraine in February, large-scale land warfare came back to Europe, bringing in a dangerous new era of conflict and nuclear brinksmanship.
Nuclear energy has renewed interest in Europe, fueled in part by climate aims but also by the conflict in Ukraine, particularly as the European Union prepares to cut all energy relations with Russia. However, utilising nuclear power remains costly, time-consuming, and divisive
The Moldovan people are deeply divided about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. From Kremlin television propaganda to church altars, the tiny former Soviet republic, which has a majority Russian-speaking population in some regions, is receptive to Russian influence VOA NEWS
European countries are worried that the flow of gas from Russia will be disrupted as tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalate
A key European diplomat believes there is still a chance to defuse the growing political crisis in Mali that has seen the country’s interim military government clash repeatedly in recent days with both its neighbors and members of the international community