After 16 years as German Chancellor, Germany will choose Angela Merkel’s successor.On September 26, 2021, Germany will hold elections. Federal Chancellor Merkel is not seeking re-election after 16 years at the helm of Germany’s government. Who will take her place?
Climate change is high on Germany’s agenda as it prepares to pick a new leader later this month. Hundreds of people were killed by severe floods in July, which scientists blamed on global warming
Traditional Hawaiian practises are providing insights for coping with climate change. As Mike O’Sullivan from Honolulu reports, they’re looking to the past for inspiration in order to achieve long-term sustainability
The Mekong is one of the world’s great rivers — a 5,000-kilometer waterway threading from China through Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. However, dams have subverted the ecosystem, bringing drought during the monsoon season and high waters when it should be dry. That has forever changed the lives of those who depend on the river for food and work in northeastern Thailand, a poor region bordering Laos and Cambodia
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres (left) has a conversation with Professor Maureen Raymo (not pictured) at Columbia University
On the eve of a high-level event on the impact of climate change on refugees, Andrew Harper, UNHCR’s special advisor on climate action talks about climate refugees, conflict triggers and what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about responding to global emergency
The report presents a bleak snapshot of current and future climate trends in Africa brought on by an inexorable rise in warming. Since 1901, it notes Africa has warmed by more than one degrees Celsius, with 2019 among the three warmest years on record
As effects of climate change continue to be felt across the globe, Kenya’s pastoralists in the country’s Northwestern county of Turkana are counting losses caused by droughts and floods. Longer drought in 2019 and heavy floods in early this year, dealt a blow to Turkana residents with many there losing livestock, the region’s main source of livelihood and income earner
After a long and unsettling dry spell, the water at Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls is flowing again, fed by rains upstream in Angola and Namibia, But as Columbus Mavhunga reports from Victoria Falls, experts and environmentalists say global warming is having a huge impact across Africa, and the continent needs to take immediate action to help reverse the trend
Inescapable Effects of Global Warming Jeopardize Livelihoods in Africa