In 1983, Joe Pachak discovered the first rock art of a mammoth in North America, a 14,000 year-old etching. Later, he built life-size effigies of the mammoth and other effigies of animals that are burned in celebration of nature and the Winter Solstice
While deforestation has devastated many African countries, in the west African nation of Niger more than 200 million new trees have sprung up in recent decades. These trees, mainly a variety weren’t planted but protected by Nigerien farmers who realized the trees were assets to agriculture
America’s National Parks System includes parks, monuments and conservation and historic sites. The federal agency – established in 1916 – is constantly changing. For instance, 26 parks it originally managed have been removed from its list of properties. Some (like Michigan’s Mackinac (Mac-kan-aw) Island Park) were transferred to state holdings, and others (like South Carolina’s Castle Pinckney Monument) were found to be too expensive to maintain