The short animated film “Tomorrow’s Leaves,” which premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival earlier this month, is planned to be released worldwide on July 23, the day of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony. The film, which was commissioned by the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage (OFCH) and created by Studio Ponoc’s Oscar-nominated Yoshiaki Nishimura, gives a new viewpoint on the Olympic principles of excellence, friendship, and respect
Hugues Fabrice Zango of Burkina Faso achieved a world record in January by hopping, skipping, and jumping more than 18 metres indoors. Zango is on his way to the Tokyo Olympics and is a strong contender for Burkina Faso’s first Olympic medal. VOA’s Ouagadougou correspondent
The four new sports of surfing, sport climbing, skateboarding, and karate will be featured at the Tokyo Summer Olympics, which begin on July 23. Athletes from the United States will compete in all four new sports and have a decent chance of winning medals