The Vice-President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez on 27 September told the General Assembly’s general debate that “the United States and their regional satellite states are preparing, from Colombia, to attack Venezuela, putting the continent’s security and stability at risk.”
Rodríguez described the presence of militia training camps within Colombian territory, providing exact coordinates of their locations. She said, “likewise, we will present photographs of these camps where mercenaries are being trained to attack Venezuela.”
She said Venezuela “has followed the proper procedure, resorting to international law and presenting proof to the government of Colombia. Venezuela’s public prosecutor has also presented all evidences of the presence of people involved in serious crimes against Venezuela’s constitutional order, crimes of terrorism, including attempted murder against Venezuela’s government officials and President Nicolás Maduro.”
The Vice-President said that since 2015, “the United States government has applied over 350 unilateral coercive measures against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.” These, she said, “include improper misappropriation of all our foreign assets and funds; total financial and commercial blockade, affecting health, education, food security, directed mainly to asphyxiate the Venezuelan economy and to subjugate our people.”
Referring to opposition leader Juan Guaidó, Rodríguez said, “a member of Congress wo barely obtained 90,000 votes in the parliamentary elections, presented himself in a public square and proclaimed himself President of Venezuela.”
She said Guaidó “does not exist, politically, in Venezuela. He just exists as a criminal, artificial instrument to attempt against the stability and peace of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”
At a later press conference, Rodríguez reiterated that the Venezuelan government has proof “that an attack against our homeland is being trained, financed, and armed from Colombia.”
She said the evidence is being presented “responsibly” and contrasted it with the “oligarchic irresponsibility” of the dossier presented to the General Assembly on Wednesday (25 Sep) by Colombian President Iván Duque.
Responding to a question about the Human Rights Council adoption of a resolution to create an independent fact-finding body to investigate allegations of extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, torture, and other cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment in Venezuela, Rodríguez said, “we signed a memorandum with the United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner. In it the action and cooperation parameters with the legitimate and constitutional government of Venezuela are established with respect to our sovereignty.” ~UNIFEED