As Journalists we do agree with experts that digital publication is the best way for communication and spreading awareness.
Journalism seeks a popular audience rather than academic one.Blend news with entertainment to reach the masses.
Keeping in mind the increasing crime against humanity, public interest journalism can educate and aware people about these social menace.As journalists we should know that we are not here ( journalism) to merely make a living. We should believe in Mission of Journalism.And obviously, crowd funding is the future of journalism if we want to avoid outside interference in editorial policies.
Here women can scribble their problems and sick help from concerned authorities. It’s their platform From the Women : For the Women.
We did some experimental works which reflected the concept of independent journalism. Few years back, we edited an alternative women’s print magazine in Bengali language which emphasized on women’s empowerment with shoestring budget and skeleton stuff but without compromising content and production quality. Internationally acclaimed models and actressess gave their consent to publish their pictures which they provided us to publish on cover and inner pages without charging a single penny. We also published Bengali translation of important articles written by eminent writers from around the world with their written consent.So we have the expertise to produce international quality magazines both print and online.We also have the expertise how to use the internet without violating someone’s copyright.We do believe that internet is not a public domain.
A collaborative effort from media houses across the world specially small town newspapers which serve ethnic community and various not for profit organizations after we convert it into a full fledged interactive not for profit website.
We are not here to provide ‘rare and funny stories’, promote our own ideology, fake news or sensational stories violating ethical values.We are here for stories relating to Crime against Humanity,Crime against women,Child Sexual Abuse,Cross Border Terrorism,Refugee Crisis and other issues generally provided by news agencies but present it differently. We are mainly doing copy editing jobs.But after converting it into an interactive, International website,we will take the service of freelance and independent journalists across the world as regular contributors apart from using news agency reports and permissible articles and obviously publish few exclusive stories.Even we select public domain pictures as a representation purposes or use pictures with proper attribution or permission .We do believe that freedom of expression does not give us the power or right to offend others.
We have the capabilities to run a full fledged international,Interactive website which emphasizes on public interest journalism with shoe string budget and Skeleton stuff but without any political bias,poor facts.Our ultimate goal is to convert it into a full fledged interactive website.
So our news source will be the same as that of other media outlets but presentation would be different and we want to give prominence to every continent whether sub Saharan Africa or Eastern Europe often ignore by main steam media.So please remember its not the platform for unconfirmed,sensational news,we don’t rely on unconfirmed or unreliable source and always remember the journalism mantra if your mother says she loves you check it out.We don’t have any intention to poking fun to others or offend religious sensibilities.
Today we are launching the news website which emphasizes crime against humanity.